Sri Ramakrishna & His Divine Play

Sri Ramakrishna & His Divine Play

By Swami Saradananda, translated by Swami Chetanananda, 1003 pages, Hardcover.

Sri Ramakrishna (1836-1886) was a simple villager, temple priest, ardent devotee of the goddess Kali, spiritual explorer, accomplished traveller along diverse religious paths, wise counsellor, compelling teacher, and guide to liberation. He probed deeply into his own Hindu religious traditions and drank deeply of every kind of wisdom that India offered.

"Sri Ramakrishna was one of the greatest of India's spiritual adepts of recent times, actively embodying India's profound tradition of plurality. By assimilating the sadhanas, customs, and practices of different faiths into his own personal practice, he presented a powerful example of respect for other traditions, even while maintaining a deep fidelity to his own. His transparently pure and well-documented life remains a guide and inspiration to millions on their spiritual path.

"I am sure many readers will be grateful to Swami Chetanananda for his English translation of Swami Saradananda's authoritative biography of Sri Ramakrishna from the original Bengali. HIS HOLINESS THE DALAI LAMA