Hinduism and Christianity

Hinduism and Christianity

By Swami Satprakashananda, 196 Pages, Hardcover.

From the standpoint of Vedanta, the teachings of all the great spiritual leaders of the world are revered and accepted as pathways to the one Supreme Goal. Jesus Christ, like Sri Krishna and the Buddha, is regarded among the greatest human manifestations of divinity. His life and teachings exemplify truths which are indispensable to anyone who is devoted to the search for God.

In 'Hinduism and Christianity' Swami Satprakashananda has given these truths perceptive and though explanation. With numerous quotations from the Bible, Bhagavad Gita, and a wealth of other stories and illustrations, the book should provide new insight to Hindus and Christians alike. It is meant not to compare the two religions, but to present shared spiritual truths for the inspiration of all.