A Guide To Spiritual Life
By Swami Chetanananda, 176 pages, Hardcover.
"When I first joined the monastery of the Ramakrishna Order, I used to ask spiritual questions of senior monks who were disciples of Holy Mother, Swami Vivekananda, Swami Brahmananda, or Swami Shivananda. On one occasion a monastic disciple of Swami Brahmananda told me: "Read 'Dharma-prasange Swami Brahmananda (Spiritual Teachings of Swami Brahmananda)'; then you will not have to ask spiritual questions of anybody." Truly speaking, that book became my spiritual guide, and I still get inspiration from it. For that reason I have translated this present book, "A Guide To Spiritual Life: Spiritual Teachings of Swami Brahmananda", from the original Bengali, as recorded by his disciples.
Readers will feel that these teachings have come straight from the heart of Swami Brahmananda, the spiritual son of Sri Ramakrishna. The swami was a spiritual dynamo and he taught with authority. Wherever he went he created such a holy atmosphere that people around him found themselves living in a higher realm without practicing any disciplines. Swami Vivekananda once commented, "In spirituality, Brahmananda has even surpassed me." SWAMI CHETANANANDA